Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Lighting and its various forms 

1. Overexposure- This still is overexposure because the amount of light in the frame is very harsh coming through the windows that it washes out the main subject and makes her hard to see. however it highlights what is dark because of the extreme contrast.

2. Underexposure- This still from 300 shows perfectly how the absence of light and too much dark hinder the figures around that are in darker tones and highlights that which might be in light.

3. High contrast - still shows high contrast by higlighting and defining the heavy tones of light and dark. through the tuxedo and the shadows on the actors.  

4. Low Contrast- This still of the adjustment burrow shows low contrast lighting because the lights are even throughout the room plus all the actors are in blues and gray's which is identical to the building they are in so there is little different. 

5. Hard/Direct Lighting- In Titanic there are almost no shadows in the scene everything and one is in plain sight with nothing distracted by shadows. 

6. Soft Lighting-  In this still the  soldier is in almost no light and the lighting of the sunset is so soft that you can only make out the soldier's outline. 

7. Flat Lighting - the lighting in this frame of Megan Fox is flat lighting because its not really highlighting anything in her face and the whole scene is well lit so its just there. 
8. High Key Lighting - In this still of fight club there is high key lighting over brad pit (and his abs) gives the picture an all around brighter look to a place that would be dark.           

9. Low Key Lighting - Tara Reid and gentleman are in low key lighting in order to set the mood for their tryst.        

10. Back lighting - In this Harry Potter still there is alot of back lighting all coming from the side to illuminate the area as if to demonstrate the charachters where abouts.

     Presentational Lighting- This scene of Goodfellas has perfect presentational lighting on the main character and his gun which is suppose to be the focus. 

12.Representational Lighting - this light showcases the restaurant atmosphere so its more for representation of location than for actual lighting purposes. 

13. Motivational Lighting - This still from shutter island has motivational lighting with the light from above. It demonstrates that there is more than this life giving the appearance of hope in the beyond.

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